Wednesday, June 8, 2011

June 8, 2011

     A compilation of emotions, left unattended these emotions charge the walls built up around and break free "wreaking havoc" on any and/or all that crosses their paths.  I am the only one who possesses the ability to keep these emotions caged and under control until I can rest assured that they are no longer a part of me.  These savage beasts will without hesitation keep me from true happiness, a happiness I have longed for.  The insignificance of myself and my problems in comparison to the whole scheme of things is irrelevant at this point in time.  I realize that to some I am a significant part of their daily lives, and I strive to be that girl, hurdling the obstacles I, myself have laid before me.  I no longer need to allow the destructive nature of my past to consume me as it has for so many years prior. I must take a deep breathe, let in all that is Gods' creation, hold it, absorb all that I possibly can, and then and only then release.  If I must do this continuously in order to maintain balance in my life and with those I chose to surround myself with, then so be it.   I am on a journey of a lifetime and I'm most certain that with a strong sense of self I will prevail, as I have done in the past. 

     I am rolling the stone that barricades my fragile soul away, still a little uneasy but I am ready and willing to go to any lengths, great lengths, to fill those voids I have created.  By letting go of these hungry beasts I am now free to fill my life with peace, love and eternal happiness.  This new soul that I am embarking on is full of passion, and love and is ready to give all that it receives to another that is worthy.  I need not be left alone at this point in time for this part of my journey is uncharted and I want to walk away unscathed.  I have found, or perhaps God placed before me, what it is that I needed, and he knew all along. 

     I saw with mine own two eyes today, nature at it's finest.  A tree standing alone amongst many others' embraced by vines of beauty and love, as if to say to this tree, "I am here for you, to embrace all that you are, and allow you to feel this security, be not afraid."  The wonders of the world cease to amaze me, and I welcome all that is here for me to take in.  I am in love, and I know love.  I've touched love and now I can taste love. An acquired taste indeed and I hunger for more.  God gave me this gift, the gift of sight, and acceptance, and empowerment, and these are by far, the most precious of all gifts I could ever receive.


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