Wednesday, June 29, 2011

June 29, 2011

It's becoming more and more painstaking to write daily.  My thoughts and emotions are all over the place.  New found memories are being created and it's overwhelming to say the least, some days more so than others'.  I can without hesitation however say that I am loving life, no matter the obstacles placed in my path.  I clear them with one giant leap, and so on.  Some days I do trip myself and revert to my old ways of thinking and in doing so drag my knuckles on the pavement so much so that the pain is unbearable, and it's then that I realize, there is no longer any need for pain, only happiness, as in happily ever afters' happiness.  I am in search of such, and I do believe that with a little more perseverance, and understanding, and perhaps much guidance I will attain that happily ever after happiness.  Watch out world, I'm on the rebound, never felt better, even when I'm down and out, there is always a glimmer in my eyes, I see it.  I see you too, all of you, completely, and I wish that I could paint a picture and present it to you, so that you too, could see you.  I see me, not completely, but slowly, I see me, changing daily and it's exhilarating and wonderful...I can only imagine what lies ahead. <3 <3

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