Friday, July 30, 2010

July 30, 2010

So goes by another month as quickly as the last and those before that one. It used to seem that time stood still and yet continued to move ahead at a rather slow and agonizing pace, but that's not the case any longer. The days are seemingly endless while the sun is shining, and when the night creeps up on me, it's as though the darkness takes over my soul, (if that makes the least bit of sense) consuming me completely in it's grasp, the unknowing, or the nothingness takes hold of me and drags me to depths I thought I'd never encounter again, yet it's there, calling out my name, screaming to me, wanting me to fall to my knees and give in to the girl I once was. I wonder some days if I'll have the strength to make it through, to close my eyes long enough to envision what it is I dream of...I know it's there, somewhere, but where? I hear the voices of other's telling me to hold on to my dreams, telling me I have the strength of a thousand men. I'll agree my shoulders are broad, but only to hold myself up physically.

1 comment:

  1. Kelly - I love you my darling daughter! I found a plaque stashed away in a box I had stored in the attic. The plaque is a letter and I believe it was meant for you today!

    the LETTER

    Dear Friend,
    How are you? I just had to send a note to tell you how much I care about you.
    I saw you yesterday as you talked with your friend. I waited all day hoping you would want to talk with me too. I gave you a sunset to close your day and a cool breeze to rest you-and I waited. You never came. It hurt me-but I still love you because I am your friend.
    I saw you sleeping last night and longed to touch your brow so I spilled moonlight upon your face. Again I waited, wanting to rush down so we could talk, I have so many gifts for you! You woke and rushed off to work. My tears were in the rain.
    If you would only listen to me! I love you! I try to tell you in blue skies and in the quiet green grass. I whisper it in leaves on the trees and breathe it in colors of flowers, shout it to you in mountain streams, give the birds love songs to sing, I clothe you with warm sunshine and perfume the air with nature scents. My love for you is DEEPER than the OCEAN, and BIGGER than the BIGGEST NEED in YOUR HEART!
    Ask me! Talk with me! Please don't forget me. I have so much to share with you!
    I won't hassle you any further. It is YOUR decision. I have CHOSEN YOU and I will wait -
    I love you. Your friend,
