Monday, June 8, 2015

June 8, 2015

I've said this time and time again not only to myself but to others' so why is it that I find it most difficult to take in the advise I can so freely give out.  Is it that my experiences may benefit others more than they do myself, or perhaps I don't want to see others' suffer the way I have or continue to do?!  I allow myself to be manipulated not just occasionally but constantly, almost daily.  My thoughts are twisted by others' words and that causes me to twist my own words creating thoughts that aren't even mine.  I am sick to my stomach learning that I have once again fallen prey.  What the fuck is wrong with me?  I thought I overcame all of this, but apparently I haven't been hit hard enough with the "don't trust stick".  Lies, lies, more lies, deception, manipulation, etc...etc... WOW!

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