Wednesday, November 2, 2022

November 2, 2022

Here it is...

Yes, I am addicted to this pain inside me; as it eats through my skin like acid, it defines me. It is both ethereal, and extremely mighty. And it is not, to be feared. I have spent most of my time, just soaking in its fullness, for years upon years, upon years. Some might call it a waste of time; just stuck in the past; just barely getting by. But it is by this very darkness, that I have learned to see the light. It is where I’ve cultivated the bones of my strength. And I’ll be damned, if it’s not a fair fight. I’ve been in a war, against only myself. This blood; this flesh; this skin that I wear. It is mine, and it is bruised and marred; with the sins of others, and these battle scars. I will not give up my darkness. For it is all that I know how to be. Both joy and peace, don’t sit well with me. Happiness rarely comes my way. And whenever it does, it doesn’t choose to stay. So I’ll just sit here, alone with my pain. How I long to just cradle, and hold it so close. For when I was small, and had no voice at all, it was darkness, who loved me the most.”

-Little girl speak