Wednesday, January 28, 2015

January 28, 2015

How do you recover from so much loss?  I can't endure anymore. I am not strong like a lioness. I haven't the strength of 100 men. I am spent. I am scared and alone. What more can he throw at me?

Friday, January 23, 2015

January 23, 2015

I have discovered that I am only trulycontented when you have benn lying by my side.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

January 22, 2015

Enough is enough. I have had my fill of abuse from everyone. Family, friends, even my own children. Ungrateful, self absorbed, free loading individuals. Get out of my life. I am not your personal sounding board. I cannot wait for the day I walk away from all of you. Don't contemplate looking me up because I will not be found.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

January 21, 2015

Player's Choice you say?  Well belly up to the table because the hand you dealt me is not worth it's weight in gold. 

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

January 20, 2015

I am certain that everyone in every corner of the world has heard the phrase, "promises are like cookies, easily made and easily broken", so why then if it's such common knowledge that no matter the individual, the circumstance, etc...etc...I still fall prey to empty fucking promises? You know the ones', "I promise, I swear"; those promises.  We have all been victimized at some point in time by one or many individuals who have made us a promise in order to pacify their own greedy needs.  Why is it that I allow myself to constantly have faith or somewhat "faith" in others?  Am I that much of a glutton for punishment?  Do I need to feel torn to shreds nearly every day of my life?  Damn!  Why me? There definitely was a point in time when I would have gone to any lengths for a piece of the "happiness" pie in the sky, and now, well now I realize that it is only meant for a select few and I am by no means of those few. 

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

January 14, 2015

Could it simply be that I haven't the ability to communicate with others' on a level playing field?  Cynical?  Who's cynical?  Not me!  I trudge murky waters constantly and every so often come face to face with bottom dwelling pond scum who instantly knock me to the ground and after feasting on my psyche for some time the release their grip and allow me to crawl to my knees.  Not once have I fully recovered.  I have had my fill of life as I see it. 

Monday, January 12, 2015

January 12,2015

There comes a time when intellectual conversation needs to be had. I just don't have that!

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

January 6, 2015

Please let this year go by in a 'FLASH'